What is CVV2? |
 CVV2 (Card
Verification Value), CVC2 (Card Validation Code) and CID
(Card Identification #) codes are a new authentication scheme
established by credit card companies to further efforts towards reducing
fraud for internet transactions. It consists of requiring a card holder
to enter the CVV2, CVC2 or CID codes in at transaction time to verify
that the card is on hand. You can find these codes as shown in pictures
below. If your credit card does not have one of the codes, please
contact your credit card company to get a new credit card to allow us to
process your credit card in secure way.
MasterCard, AmEx, JCB, Switch, Solo and Diners Club cards have CVV2, CVC2 and CID security codes
that are 3/4 digits in length, and they are located on the front and back of the
card. (see diagrams below).
Visa / MasterCard / JCB / Switch / Solo
American Express / Diners Club